endlich gibt es auch für TB 3 das Add-on Send Filter.
Dieses kann per "autorun" automatisch ausgeführt werden.
Habe mal die Anleitung mit Warnung kopiert:
ZitatEnable the message filters automatically on sent folder. It adds a checkbox in the filter's configuration panel, which enables the filters to autorun on the "sent items" folder.
NOTE:The alternative to run this add-on is as follows, select from menu Tools->Run Filters on Folder, just autorun after sending. So you should be careful with the filter's settings. It could be the case if you just set your filter against the incoming messages, then TB would not be able to differentiate the incoming filter from the outgoing filter. So when they are run at the sent folder, something may happen unexpectedly. A work-around is to add a "from" condition onto the filters that to be run on message sending, and also add a "to" condition for incoming messages filter. Of course, the value is your own mail address.
Besonders die verwöhnten Outlook-User sollten sich das mal ansehen.
Da ich selbst momentan keine Verwendung dafür habe, nicht getestet.