Hallo an alle,
falls noch nicht entdeckt, an alle, die Probleme mit Zeilenumbrüchen in txt-Dateien als Signaturen haben:
auf der Entwickler-Seite von Signature Switch ist folgendes zu lesen:
When I insert my signature all of its line-breaks and spaces are gone. What happened?
If you compose mails in HTML-style and insert plaintext-files as signatures then all line-breaks will be ignored. (Of course... it's HTML!)
You'll have to use the <br>-tag to do line-breaks.
The same thing with fixed font-width. Set the <pre>-tag around your signature to get a textual predefined signature.
Achim Seufert<br>
Website: http://mozext.achimonline.de<br>
eMail: mozext at achimonline de<br>
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